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Do you need to make us aware of something we didn’t get quite right? Please complete the form below and we will start the resolution process.
Talk to Us
Complaints Resolution Process
Complete the form (left) and provide us with a brief description of what your complaint is about and how you would like us to resolve it.
Within 24 hours from receiving your completed form we will acknowledge receipt of your complaint.
Over a period of 5 working days we will: Investigate, evaluate and assess your complaint.
By the 5th working day you will receive feedback in writing of what action will be taken, the time frame and process you can expect for resolution.
Should your complaint involve a representative of Genlib, you will receive further feedback form us as to what action, time frame and process you can expect for resolution.
Within 6 weeks of us receiving your complaint, you will receive in writing a final resolution and outcome to your complaint.
Or Email us directly
If Applicable
Should you be dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint we encourage you to contact either:
NFO – National Financial Ombud: 0860-800-900 / info@nfosa.co.za / www.nfosa.co.za;
FAIS Ombudsman: 012 762 5000 / info@faisombud.co.za / www.faisombud.co.za